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PV Oil offered an additional cargo of crude oil

According to Bloomberg News, PV Oil (Vietnam) has just offered another cargo of crude oil from Bunga oil field, delivering in late February 2012.

In detail, this cargo is around 300,000 barrels of crude oil, delivering on February 22nd – 29th, 2012 at Bunga Kekwa maritime port.

The deadline companies and corporations can order this cargo is till December 28th, 2011.

Recently, PV Oil also sold 600,000 barrels of crude oil from Ruby oil field for Petrobras group (Brazil). This volume will be delivered into 2 phases. The first phase will delivery in the middle February and the sencond phase will delivery in the late of February.

The price will be USD7 a barrel higher than benchmark Platts/APPI Minas price.

Source: Xangdau.net