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Giá Platts Singapore chốt phiên giao dịch ngày 28/01/2011

28Jan11 -PLATTS: 6--Platts Singapore Products Assessments - 28Jan11

Singapore (Platts)--28Jan11/0716 am EST/ 1216 GMT

                 FOB Singapore       MOPS Strip    Spot Prem/Disc

Mogas 97 unl     -106.37-106.41-                     13.51/13.55  *

Mogas 95 unl     -105.22-105.26-                     12.36/12.40  *

Mogas 92 unl     -102.93-102.97-                     10.07/10.11  *

Mogas 92 unl                      -102.62-102.66-     0.29/0.33   **

Naphtha           -93.51-93.55-    -92.84-92.88-

Spot Phy naphtha  -92.94-92.98-                       0.05/0.15

Kero             +111.74-111.78+  +111.84-111.88+    -0.12/-0.08

Gasoil 10ppm     +112.38-112.42+                      2.35/2.39   ***

Gasoil 50ppm     +111.91-111.95+                      1.88/1.92   ***

Gasoil 0.05% S   +110.96-111.00+                      0.93/0.97   ***

Gasoil 0.25% S   +110.51-110.55+                      0.48/0.52   ***

Gasoil Reg 0.5%  +109.53-109.57+  +110.01-110.05+    -0.50/-0.46

*=Diff to Naphtha MOPS strip   **=Diff to Mogas 92 unl MOPS strip

***=Diff to Gasoil Reg 0.5% MOPS Strip

Spore Fuel/LSWR: p42. Arab Gulf/Japan Products: p43. Spore paper quotes: p209


--Platts Global Alert--

Friday, 28 January 2011 19:16:19PLTS [nPtGBWGLa ] {C}ENDS

19:16 28Jan11 -PLATTS: 42--Platts Singapore Fuel/LSWR Assessments - 28Jan11

Singapore (Platts)--28Jan11/0716 am EST/ 1216 GMT

                  Singapore       MOPS Strip    Spot Prem/Disc***

Demurrage Clean 16000.00

MTBE             -933.00-935.00-

FO 180 CST 2%    +554.49-554.53+

HSFO 180 CST     +544.74-544.78+ +540.24-540.28+     4.48/4.52

HSFO 380 CST     +537.35-537.39+ +530.60-530.64+     6.73/6.77   **

Demurrage Dirty 19500.00

Ex-Wharf 180 CST +563.50-564.50+

Ex-Wharf 380 CST +555.00-556.00+

LSWR Mixd/Crackd  +92.28-92.32+                      0.98/1.02   *

LSWR              +91.28-91.32+

*=Assessment is FOB Indonesia, Prem/Disc to Pertamina Mixed-Cracked Formula

**=FOB Singapore basis

***=Prem/Disc to MOP Singapore

Spore paper quotes: p209


--Platts Global Alert--

Friday, 28 January 2011 19:16:19PLTS [nPtGBWGMa ] {C}ENDS

19:18 28Jan11 - 43--Platts AG/Japan Products Assessments - 28Jan11                             

43--Platts AG/Japan Products Assessments - 28Jan11                              

Singapore (Platts)--28Jan11/0716 am EST/ 1216 GMT                              

                   FOB Arab Gulf  Premium/Discount*    C+F Japan               

Mogas UNL                                             -105.14-105.18-           

Mogas 95 RON unl  -102.60-102.64-    2.86/2.90        -107.43-107.47-           

                                     4.91/4.95   **                             

Naphtha LR2       -828.67-832.17-                                              

Naphtha           -824.06-827.56-   15.75/16.25       -853.75-857.25-          

Naphtha MOPJ Strip                   4.75/5.25   ***   850.25-850.75           

Nph 1st 1/2 Mar                                       -860.75-861.25-          

Nph 2nd 1/2 Mar                                       -856.75-857.25-          

Nph 1st 1/2 Apr                                       -853.75-854.25-          

*  = Premium/Discount to MOP Arab Gulf                                         

** = Premium/Discount on C+F Middle East basis                                 

***= Premium/Discount on MOPJ Strip                                            

   (Singapore Products: p6, 42//freight netback: p332)   Cont'd p449           

Begins              --Platts Global Alert--                Cont

Friday, 28 January 2011 19:18:20PLTS [nPL289207 ] {C}ENDS

19:18 28Jan11 - 449--Platts AG/Japan Products Assessments - 28Jan11                            

449--Platts AG/Japan Products Assessments - 28Jan11                             

Singapore (Platts)--28Jan11/0716 am EST/ 1216 GMT                              

                     FOB Arab Gulf   Premium/Discount*    C+F Japan            

Kero                +109.58-109.62+     1.18/1.22       +113.36-113.40+          

Kero LR2            +109.80-109.84+                                             

Gasoil 0.005% S     +110.69-110.73+     3.58/3.62                               

Gasoil 0.05% S      +109.69-109.73+     2.58/2.62                               

Gasoil 0.25% S      +107.74-107.78+     0.63/0.67                               

Gasoil              +107.24-107.28+     0.13/0.17       +112.22-112.26+***      

Gasoil LR2          +107.47-107.51+                                             

HSFO 180 CST        +531.92-531.96+     8.75/9.25       +556.00-556.04+         

HSFO 380 CST        +524.54-524.58+     8.75/9.25                               

HSFO 180/380 Spread   -7.41--7.37  **                                           

*=Premium/Discount to MOP Arab Gulf                                             

**=Differential to FOB Arab Gulf HSFO 180 CST.                                  

***=C+F Japan Gasoil is 50ppm Sulfur beginning Apr 1 2005.                     

(freight netback: p332)                              (Cont'd from p43)         

Begins              --Platts Global Alert--